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Foto / Pic / Photo: Copyright by IONOS
The spiritual inner Life
ISBN: 13 978-3-7380-0265-2
Genre: Spiritual guide
Number of pages: 24
D: € 2,99
A: € 2,99
CH: Fr. 3,50
GB: £ 2,39
US: currently not available in US
CDN: $ 3,99
Available as: eBook
Buy now: AMAZON The spiritual inner life
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Spiritual inner life – isn’t it something only for monks and nuns? How to build a spiritual inner life as a Christian layman? This book contains a step-by-step instruction on how to obtain a rich spiritual inner life.
Every baptized Christian is a temple of God. Unfortunately, many people do not remember that and do not care. Some do not know what this actually means in concrete terms for them. It appears quite diffuse. Some are not sure how to worship and adore God. God is not complicated and there is also no special knowledge required.
Book presentation on video: VD 147
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Printed book:
ISBN: 978-3-746769-31-8
Genre: Theological nonfiction
Number of pages: 40
D: € 7,99
A: € 8,22
CH: Fr. 7,66
GB: £
US: $
CDN: $
Available as: printed Book
Buy now: EPUBLI The spiritual inner Life
How to believe simply
ISBN: 13 978-3-8476-1827-0
Genre: Spiritual guide
Number of pages: 22
D: € 3,49
A: € 3,49
CH: Fr. 4,00
GB: £ 2,73
US: currently not available in US
CDN: $ 3,99
Available as: eBook
Buy now: AMAZON How to believe simply
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
The man was placed by God into creation. However, instead of harmoniously insert, man has not only made the earth subservient, but he greedily seized upon. This is neither healthy nor wise, nor the will of God.
Only when he doesn’t know what to do next and the water is up to his neck, the man turns to God. It would be so easy (and useful) to contact with God before the "child has fallen into the well" (a German saying). God loves man. He has showered him with fullness. Nevertheless, the man refuses and neither wants to see nor wants to accept this love.
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Printed book:
Coming soon!
How to believe more deeply
ISBN: 13 978-3-8476-1824-9
Genre: Spiritual guide
Number of pages: 24
D: € 2,49
A: € 2,49
CH: Fr. 2,50
GB: £ 1,95
US: currently not available in US
CDN: $ 3,19
Available as: eBook
Buy now: AMAZON How to believe more deeply
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
How can you deepen your faith, if you are already a religious person? You obey the 10 commandments, you are an active member in the parish. What can (or should) you still do beyond that?
It is admittedly good, if one tries to live a Christian life and fulfills all commandments. Furthermore, however, there are still many things possible that can strengthen and deepen the relationship with God. You can get much closer to God, if you open up for him.
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Printed book:
Coming soon!
The Sense of Silence
ISBN: 13 978-3-8476-1431-9
Genre: Spiritual guide
Number of pages: 29
D: € 3,49
A: € 3,49
CH: Fr. 4,00
GB: £ 2,74
US: currently not available in US
CDN: $ 3,99
Available as: eBook
Buy now: AMAZON The Sense of Silence
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Silence - more feared than loved! At the present time many people are afraid of the silence. For some people, it is unpleasant, others don’t know what to do with it. – But the silence still has a benefit that is explained in this book.
The silence is not simply "emptiness" or "nothing". It is the possibility to pause and encounter: with oneself and with God. Therefore, in the silence a treasure is hidden, a source from which one can draw. Who refuels in the silence can cope easier with everyday life.
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Printed book:
Coming soon!
How to win the Friendship of Our Lady. A spiritual Guide for Women
Genre: Spiritual guide
Number of pages: 23
D: € 4,49
A: € 4,49
CH: Fr. 5,00
GB: £ 3,55
US: currently not available in US
CDN: $ 5,59
Available as: eBook
Buy now: AMAZON How to win the Friendship of Our Lady
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
How can you - as a woman - improve and deepen a personal relationship to Our Lady? Is it possible to have a familiarity with her like with a girlfriend? - Yes, the path to it is shown in this book.
This booklet includes an 8-step program on how to better get to know the Mother of God by and by, as you can maintain a friendly and sincere relationship with her: with prayer and trust! - This book is a guide especially for women.
Image: Copyright by EPUBLI / Andrea Pirringer
Printed book:
Coming soon!
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